Sunday 25 April 2010

Question 6:What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Photoshop was a very new programme to me when i first started media studies. I had obviously heard of it but never used it, and didnt know all the advantages it had. But after using it for art and photography purposes, and then the preliminary task we did for media, i became very cmfortable with my skills in it. It became a very big part of my media product, and without it I think it wouldnt of been as succesful it has been. It helped me to edit, refine, transform and compliment photos that needed it, and this in turn made everything I did look that little bit better. I found photoshop alot easier to use than Quark Express, and this in turn made it my main programme whilst making my magazine. There is a wider variety in everything on photoshop, down the the text, the colours and the image manipulation. I learnt alot about the layering system whilst doing this project, something which I hadnt taken much notice of before now.

Quark Express:

I used Quark Express for my contents page, as it let me easily do what I needed to do and create two pages next to each other. This was a tool Id never learnt about before, and so after using it I became a bit more comfortable with Quark Express. Its not something I find very enjoyable to use, as I do with Photoshop, but it is a very useful tool, one which I did need to complete my magazine.

Blogger has been the main log, and online record system when showing all of my media projects, preliminary to coursework. This has been an essential piece of technology that I couldnt of done my work without. I have blogged my research and planning, production and finally my evaluation. You are able to add pictures, videos and edit them on blogger, and it gives you a variety of layouts.

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