Sunday 25 April 2010

Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Alternative Representations:
My representation of my audience is one very different to the stereotype 'teenagers' have nowadays. For instance, most people would claim that my audience are drunken, unruly and violent, whereas I am portraying them as young, trendy and senstive to feelings and other people. Although rock music itself is not always the music of 'clever' people, it presents the idea that my audience are caring when it comes to music, and devote more of their time into listening and socialising with music rather than spending their time getting drunk and listening to the same generic music they are presented with.

I represent them as clever, talented students who take time when it comes to music, going to small gigs and trying out wierd and unusual music, just to gain a better knowledge. I represent them with feelings, people who belive its impartant to be yourself and take whatever stick you get for it. I do represent them as 'normal' teenagers though, getting drunk and going out is apart of their social life. But not the drunken vandals that most people would claim teengers are.

There are many other types of teenagers that I could of tried to appeal to, some 'stereotypical' ones being :

Chavs: The type of teengers that spend their time getting drunk, causing trouble and have no care for researching into the unknown. They take everything at face value and have no intention of looking deeper than what they get given. For example, they don't go to gigs,bcause they don't care enough, they don't invest in educations, because they are happy doing nothing all day.

Emo's : These are the type of individual who are very emotional, take everything to heart and try to be as different as they possibly can. They like to wear bright colours, and a lot of black, and most will wear make up, including the boys. They care about their music alot, but to the point of obsession. They will give everything up for music, and usually take alot of time going to gigs.

Punks: These are a very, very different type of individual. They wear anything and everything and the same with their music, they listen to anything with a statement, and nothing which has too much indepth meaning in its lyrics. The musics usually loud and fast paced. They like piercings, tattoos and all things which stand out.
Ermegent ideology.

The dominant ideology of teenagers today, and has been for a very long time now, is that they are always up to no good, always the bearer of trouble and don't care for anyone but themselves. They don't respect anyone, they drink too much and are ridiculously lazy. But recently, it is becoming ermegent ideology that teenagers aren't all as bad as they are being made out to be. They do have respect and manners, and not all of them cause more trouble than they are worth.

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