Sunday 25 April 2010

Question 1:In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My magazine shows similaritys to most music magazines, but yet at the same time it does show difference in the use of conventions, parts and context and also in the use of design, layout and overall appereance.

The magazine my own production shows the most similarity too would probably be Kerrang!

There are obvious similaritys, one being that both mine, and professional magazines have a masthead, straplines, use of mise-en-scene to fit target audiences, fonts, editing, style, colour choices, layout, use of image, use of text etc. Looking at the differences, you can see that mine is still slightly undermined by Kerrangs! status in the magazine world: mine still looks slightly amatuer, whereas Kerrang! looks like a succesful magazine.

For example, Kerrangs! masthead is hidden behind the characters in the photograph, whereas mine is in the top left hand corner, hidden by nothing and standingout. This is because Kerrang! has such a recognisable face that it doesn't need the masthead to stand out too much, and mine would be new on the market, so therefore would rely on the masthead to be the thing people noticed.

Both have the same features and conventions of a magazine, but both are styled different to fit the needs and wants of the target audience. They both use different research methods to gain the knowldge they need, and in return, while very similiar, this is why the magazines are different. The two magazines would never be in the same class though, as i didnt devote as much time and money as they have done to create theirs, as they have to in order to survive.

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