Tuesday 20 October 2009

Planning for College Magazine.

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I chose the above colour scheme for my college magazine as the bright colours are attractive to teenagers. Also i think that the colours used are attractive to both males and females.

The font used throughout the magazine will be san serif as it looks more informal and inviting. I think teenagers will be more interested in a magazine that looks like this as it connotes friendliness. In the masthead the title of the magazine will be in capitals sans serif, - RANGE. There will be a tagline underneath saying 'CELBRATE DIFFERENCE. This is also in sans serif font. The puff next to the tagline says 'Best selling college magazine in the world'.

The main sell will be a midclose up of an attractive female college student holding folders. This will be taken from side profile with her looking over her shoulder. She will have a positive expression on her face e.g. laughing and there will be a group of students sat behind her however out of focus. The picture will be taken outside as a shallow depth shot so that the group of students sat behind and the tree will be out of focus in comparison to the main sell. I think that this connotes sociability, fun and a relaxed atmosphere and this are all positive things that will help to interest people in the magazine.

The front cover also includes adverts for upcoming college gigs in order to involve the reader. Other features include student service ad's and celeb news and gossip. This gives interesting and important information to students displayed attractively. A freebie is included in the bottom left of the magazine, a free college pen for every reader. The pen connotes work but also it encourages you to have fun with it. This is because of the range of bright colours the pen will come in.

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