Tuesday 20 October 2009

College Magazine Analysis

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Solutions Magazine from Baylor College of Medicine.

  • Denotation - Masthead is in Sans Serif Font, Lower case. The text is brown and stands out from the background of a different colour. Connotation - friendly and inivting due to the font being soft. The colour, brown, conotes that the audience is likely to be adult as it is not a particularly attractive or child friendly colour. It isn't particularly glamourous and therefore this also helps to show the type of audience that would read it.

  • Denotation - Multi-coloured image of a DNA strand which twists through a second image and is underneath informative text. Connotation - It shows it is scientific due to the nature of the image. The image is relevant to the magazine. It is made to give an exciting feel for science.

  • Denotation - A hand, in a negative effect, stretched out through the DNA strand. Connatation - The way the hand is reaching into the DNA strand it makes you feel like you can take control of science, and it connotes that the magazine gives you the power to learn about science. The hand is purple which connotes things like mysitcal, wierd and magical. These are relavant to this magazine because science is wierd, and it will mysitify you.

  • Denotation - The bottom right hand corner looks as thought it is being lifted up to reveal what is inside the magazine. It says " Discovery worth repeating" and it gives a page reference. Connotation - This connotes, discovery, excitment, interest into science. This is relevant because showing you a bit of the context intices the reader into getting the magazine.

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Emmanuel College Magazine.

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State College Magazine.

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