Thursday 28 January 2010


This is a rough idea of what i want my magazine to look like which i created on photoshop. I think i will call my magazine 'Outcry' because it reflects what i want my magazine to be used for, and that is crying out about new and exciting music. I used light colours for the background, as i didnt want it to look too unprofessional, and i wanted to focus all the attention on the colours of the photographs. The simple masthead 'Outcry' was in black with a light green shadowing because it is simple, yet appealing. This magazine is being aimed at an audience just slightly older than a magazine like Kerrang!, so things like the masthead do not have to be very visually appealing. I put three features underneath the main sell because it was a different layout to most magazines, and although it looks simple, i think it will appeal to people due to the fact it is different, and its easily noticable. I put three lines of band names underneath that because this will tell the reader what to expect and who to expect from my magazine. I havent yet put any finer detail on the magazine, like date, price and any writing about the features. But i have put the barcode at the top right hand corner, as i thought it looked better than putting in anywhere else.

I chose to put the contents page in similar colours to the front page, as i think it makes it look alot cleaner, and more proffesional. I havent overloaded the page with pictures, as i think it doesnt need to be. I put the front cover on the contents page, so that i could write about where the features would be.

1 comment:

  1. This is the initial assessment of your research and planning. The mark provided here does not guarantee as specific grade (A, B, C etc) it is the mark I am recommending that we give to this work. This mark will be moderated internally by my colleagues prior to any external moderation by the exam board. Therefore, your mark could go up or down before the final grade is awarded.

    There is excellent research into similar products, but basic research into a a potential target audience.

    There is minimal organisation of models, locations, costumes or props.

    There is proficient work on layouts and drafting.

    There is a proficient level of care in the presentation of the research and planning - there are problems with the way the audience research is presented, but overall the level is proficient.

